Friday, 16 September 2022

What Are We Rolling For?

What Are We Rolling For? It's always good to pose a question.

EME's 3rd EP of original psychedelic music, sprouted from ideas on tracks produced between 2010-2018, from a time when purity levels were higher. This psychonauts' excursion is inspired by the cyborganic counter culture and relatable experience in back yard sheds. Using creative procrastination, giving things time to happen themselves, (to be an "equal sign" in the equations of occurrences), finally the tracks are untethered in 2022.

Roll the dice, be the llama, and come convulse to the frequency, the rhythm, the vibration and activate the mystic path to gland curdling abundance.

released August 26, 2022

Produced and mixed by Ear Mind Eye.
Mastered by Gareth Fox @ Studio Schizoid.
Photography and layout by Ear Mind Eye.
Logo design by Alison Lujan, reworked by Free Range Fox.


Dedicated to The Hartnoll Brothers. Special thanks to PVG, The Databats - Jon & Ras, Gareth, Jimmi, Damiano, Dylab, and Jarrad Wright for the Sassy sample.