Wednesday, 26 February 2014

Slice Comp # 2

Attention all artists who have played at a Slice Event!
We are releasing our second Slice compilation that will consist of two ‘sides,’ Omni Ear and Nexus. Omni Ear showcases the eclectic, freeform side of Slice’s artist base, covering experimental acts, beats and techno, whilst Nexus delivers progressive trance through to the kind of dark psychedelia that clears all but the hardiest of souls from the dancefloor.
Over the last three years we’ve had an opportunity to hold events of an amazingly diverse nature; we want our second comp to highlight exactly where we’ve come from. As a part of this history, we’d love to have you on board!
There will be physical release - A collector’s edition, including 2xCDs and a booklet containing memories from our events as well as artwork inspired by the music contained within. This album will be presented as a seamless release, with each track merging into the next to provide the listener
with a true journey missing from a lot of today’s albums. A digital download of both sides and a PDF with the booklet art will also be available as a bundle through Bandcamp webstore.
If you would like to submit a track for the compilation use the form here or send us an email!

Friday, 21 February 2014

Transmuted Remix Compilation

This is a promo video for "Transmuted" volume #1 by Fate Æffect to be released on Slice Records in the near future!
This upcoming compilation has remixes by various artists of Fate Æffect's and the  video features snippets of remixes already sent in by Noistruct, Solid Light, Lazyboy Proactive, Stickleback, Dada Davros and Ambassador Bronson.
If you would like to do a remix and be on the compilation please send a message to us or directly to Fate Æffect here: