Thursday, 20 July 2017

Throwback Thursday with The Scullamooks...

The ScullaMooks are a Melbourne based two-piece band producing on-the-fly, brain-melting psychedelia.
Their music is unique, rich and eclectic. The ScullaMooks fuse a traditional sequenced/pre-determined style with the natural spontaneity and energy of live improvisation. This marriage lends to a life and energy rarely, if ever, found in Electronic Dance Music with a set BPM. All samples, effects and bass are triggered or faded in ʻreal time ʼ. The drums, kick and keyboard are played live. Nothing is quantized or beat corrected. Nothing is over-dubbed. And above all this, everything is improvised. This is how the ScullaMooks get their unique sound. Real life breathed into the coldness of the digital medium.

From Jack Pilven...
"Things get trippy on here – real trippy. Snippets of LSD-inspired meanderings preface heaving slabs of electronica that bubble beneath the surface before disappearing into the abyss again. Otherworldly beeps, blips, and bursts of noise rain down and sizzle over throbbing bass grooves. Each track is accompanied by its BPM, with most whizzing by around the 130 to 140 mark. It’s all a little disorientating – but that’s the desired effect. The ScullaMooks want to warp your perception of reality without the use of mind-altering substances. Instead, they rely on improvisation, experimentation and mixing ideas together like watercolour to create mind-fucking soundscapes, from the eerie interstellar haze of Earthrise to the bongo-happy Mook Runs The Mushroom Down. Proceedings have an organic feel too with each track slowly contorting into the next."

Album Download & Physical Copies: